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Applying for a school place

Badby School is a Primary Academy School and part of the Innovate Multi Academy Trust. The West Northamptonshire Admissions Policy applies. All applications are submitted to the Admissions Department at West Northamptonshire County Council.

Consideration of applications

The following are the admissions criteria:

Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of educational needs that names the school as appropriate provision. When there are more applications than places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Children in public care or previously in public care but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order 

  2. Pupils who live in the linked areas of Badby, Fawsley and Everdon.

  3. Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the younger child.

  4. Other pupils.

If the admission number is exceeded in criterion 3 priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded in any other criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Appeals will be dealt with by the Local Authority.

Class Grouping

As a village school, applications for admission and numbers in each year group fluctuate.

In circumstances where class size dictates that a year group will be split across 2 classes, the following factors will be taken into consideration for each individual pupil:

  • Chronological age

  • Academic attainment

  • Social factors. For younger pupils this could include level of maturity and self-help skills. Where the year group is expected to be split, parents will be offered the opportunity to discuss the most appropriate class grouping for their child prior to final decisions regarding classes. The final decision rests with the Headteacher.

Pupils moving during the academic year

Applications should be made to Northamptonshire Admissions team who will apply the general admissions criteria.

Where the move is from a local school, parents are encouraged to discuss issues with the present school and seek to resolve them, bearing in mind that all local schools share agreed educational policies and standards. The Headteacher of the pupil’s present school will be contacted to provide information about the pupil.

Appeals are dealt with by the Local Authority.

Induction for New Pupils

In our induction programme we hope to develop close links with both children and parents prior to starting school. Our programme ensures that all new entrants and parents are given a variety of opportunities to visit school. The programme involves a number of visits during the Summer Term (prior to starting school):

  • Story/Activity sessions for children.

  • Morning and afternoon visits to school in the Summer Term for all new entrants. (Children will be involved in many school activities).

  • Meetings are held during the summer term for parents to inform them about the school and to help them to prepare their child for starting school.

If your child is transferring from another school, parents are encouraged to make an appointment to view the school beforehand and to meet with the Headteacher and Class teacher.  

Autumn Term (starting school)

  • Children attend for a few (no more than three) half days before starting school for full days.

At 11, pupils transfer to secondary schools in Daventry (Danetre or William Parker depending on where they live) or other schools by parental choice. Strong links exist between Badby, other feeder schools and local secondary schools. Regular liaison meetings are held for staff to ensure curriculum continuity and smooth transfer arrangements. During the summer term prior to transfer, teachers from local secondary schools visit the school to meet with Year 6 children. Children enjoy "sampling" lessons and getting to know their new schools. Transfer information and secondary school prospectuses are sent to pupils during their final year.