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Work Hard. Be Kind. Seek Adventure.


Badby School was last inspected in June 2023. The short inspection visit found that our school continues to be a 'Good' school. You can read the report here.

Key Quotes:

“Pupils love coming to Badby School.”

“This small village school is at the heart of the community.”

Parent comment: “‘Badby School is everything we could wish for”

“Leaders have high expectations. They know what they want pupils to achieve and the type of people they want them to become.”

“The experiences pupils have at school inspire pupils’ wonder”

“[Pupils] and the staff are proud of their sporting successes.”

“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive at this school.”

“Staff love working at Badby. Leaders support them well and they, in turn, support each other, for example through their ‘well-being walks’ at lunchtime.”